Media Center
Welcome students and parents to Horizon's Media Center
Mr. Moseman, Media Specialist
The Media Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. on early release Wednesdays).
Book Checkout
- Kindergarten - checkout begins after "care of books" lessons given at the beginning of the third quarter. Parent permission must be on file.
- First grade - students may check out one book.
- Second grade - students check out one book; at the beginning of the third quarter, students may check out two books.
- Third - Fifth grades - students may check out two books.
All books are checked out for two weeks. Books are the responsibility of the student. Students are expected to pay for damaged or lost books
Electronic Books
We are slowly building our collection of ebooks, available to our teachers and students at school as well as at home. To access the collection, the students should log onto VPortal (see above). They then log in to Follett Destiny, and click on the Destiny Discover tab.
Media Schedule and Lessons
Horizon's Media Center operates under a flexible schedule, as advocated by the American Association of School Librarians. This allows the media program to be fully integrated into the educational program. Therefore the media specialist and classroom teacher plan for weekly scheduled visits as well as informal lessons. Small groups of students are encouraged to make use of the Media Center's resources as needed. Media lessons are planned by the media specialist who collaborates with the classroom teachers. Lessons are 45 minutes in length, which allows 10 minutes for book checkout.
Computer Lab
The Media Center houses 24 student laptops, as well as an interactive white board. This “lab” is used by classes as well as individual students for a variety of educational lessons and enrichment. The computer lab is also used for staff development, Extended Day Enrichment Program, and after-school activities and family nights.
Media Programs
- Reading Counts- Click on the following link to access the Scholastic Book Expert. When you click on the Browse Book Expert Online button, you are able to search titles that are supported by Reading Counts quizzes.
- Spelling Bee
- Literacy Month
- Scholastic Book Fairs
- Young Author's Celebration
- Sunshine State Young Readers Award
- Poem in Your Pocket Day
- One School, One Book
- Morning News Team
Library Media Access for School and Classroom Libraries
The purpose of the school library media center is to encourage the love of reading and support the school community and curriculum goals through self-selected reading materials. The media specialist collaborates with families and teachers to support students in the selection of reading materials that meet their reading interests.
Parents and guardians have the right to limit their child’s access to materials in the school library and classroom library. The library media access level a parent/guardian selects for their student will be in effect for the student’s academic career in Volusia County Schools. Changes may be made at any time by completing the School and Classroom Library Access Form on the Parent Portal.
By default, all students have standard access to age/grade appropriate materials in the school and classroom library.
Definitions of Access
Standard Access- A student has access to age/grade appropriate materials in the school library and their classroom libraries.
Unlimited Access: A student has full access to the materials in Volusia County Schools’ libraries and classroom libraries including access to any titles that require parent permission. This includes permission for the student to check out Young Adult (YA) titles when the student is in middle school.
Restricted Access: A student is permitted access to materials in Volusia County Schools’ libraries and classroom libraries except for specific titles as designated by their parent/guardian. The parent/guardian is responsible for restricting specific materials in their child’s school library or classroom libraries by completing the School and Classroom Library Access Form on the Parent Portal.
School Card Catalog (Search for Book)
Library Media Center Collection Development
Each school library media collection is developed in accordance with Volusia County School Board Policy 320 and Florida Statute 1006.28.
Each book made available to students through a school district library media center or included in a recommended or assigned school or grade-level reading list must be selected by a school district employee who holds a valid educational media specialist certificate, regardless of whether the book is purchased, donated, or otherwise made available to students.
2. Each district school board shall adopt procedures for developing library media center collections and post the procedures on the website for each school within the district. The procedures must:
a. Require that book selections meet the criteria in s. 1006.40(3)(d).
Free of pornography and material prohibited under s. 847.012.
Suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented.
Appropriate for the grade level and age group for which the materials are used or made available.
b. Require consultation of reputable, professionally recognized reviewing periodicals and school community stakeholders.
c. Provide for library media center collections based on reader interest, support of state academic standards and aligned curriculum, and the academic needs of students and faculty.
d. Provide for the regular removal or discontinuance of books based on, at a minimum, physical condition, rate of recent circulation, alignment to state academic standards and relevancy to curriculum, out-of-date content, and required removal pursuant to subparagraph (a)2.
Selection Process
The media specialist develops a recommended list of books that meet the needs of the school per the collection development guidelines.
The media specialist provides the school media advisory committee with professional reviews of each book prior to meeting.
The school media advisory committee meets to review and approve the list. The committee must come to a consensus on approvals. If the committee is unable to come to a consensus, the principal along with the media specialist is responsible for the final decision.
Challenged Materials:
Volusia County School Board Policy 320 establishes the procedures for the review of complaints concerning media materials.