Parents & Students
- Daily attendance is expected so students can reach their highest potential.
- Call absences in each day
504/PST Contacts
504 and PST Contacts Ms. Marquez and Ms. Florio
School Hours
- First Bell: 7:45 a.m. Students will enter class at this time.
- Late Bell: 7:50 a.m. Parents must walk student to the Main Office for a tardy slip after the tardy bell sounds. They will not be allowed to enter the class without the tardy slip.
- Students are not permitted on campus prior to 7:30 a.m. as there is no supervision until that time.
- Dismissal
- 2:30 p.m. on regular release days
- 1:30 p.m. on early release days (refer to school calendar for these dates)
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up Loop
- Parents are to stay in their vehicle when dropping off or picking up students. There is assistance and supervision in this area.
- At dismissal, all individuals MUST have a pick-up card placed on the passenger side of the dash with the student(s) names clearly written. Those without the pick-up card will be directed to park and take their ID to the main office were they will receive a temporary daily pass.
- Students should exit the car from the right side of the vehicle so they don’t step into the driving lane
- Do not park cars in the parent loop. This will block the driving lane or the emergency lane.
Checking Students Out Early
The individual checking the student out MUST have photo identification with them and be listed on the emergency card with pick-up authority.
Eagles Soar Rubric
Parent parking is available to the left of the Main Office at all times. The Bus Loop parking lot has no access to the school after the tardy bell and won’t reopen until just prior to the dismissal bell due to single point of entry.
Parent/Teacher Communication
- Open communication between the parent and teacher will provide the best growth for your child.
- Parents are asked to respect the instructional day and schedule conferences to discuss matters.
- Conferences can be scheduled by contacting your child’s teacher and arranging a mutually agreed on time.
Parent Involvement
Parent Information Guide 2022-2023
Parents help to make our school a success. Here are some ways you can be involved:
- Volunteer/Chaperone: Parent volunteer opportunities can be during the school day or at home. Contact Mrs. Schoeps at 386-322-6150 Ext. 33914 in the main office to find the best way for you to support Horizon.
- PTA: We are always happy to have new PTA members. Membership is $5.00. An application is available in the Main Office. You can also support PTA by purchasing Horizon t-shirts, supporting their fundraisers, volunteering, and/or serving on the board. Horizon’s PTA sponsors many great programs and activities at our school so support them to make this possible. Here are a few of the ways PTA supports us: Technology, Tutoring, Winter Festival, Field Day, Reading Counts, Reflections, Safety Patrols, Copy Machines, Laminating Machine, Clinic Supplies, Teacher/Staff Appreciation, and many more.
- SAC (School Advisory Council): This council, which meets 8 afternoons throughout the year assists in making recommendations on how our school operates. SAC membership is comprised of elected parents, staff, and business community officials. The SAC elections are held near the end of each school year for the following year. Periodically, a member will resign during the year making it necessary for a new member to join. Contact Sarah Wright at 386-322-6150 if you are interested in joining SAC.