Transitioning Back To School
Welcome to the new school year! Transitioning from the relaxed summer routine to the more structured school routine can be a challenge. To help your family out, here are a few reminders of those vital activities that can make the transition most successful for students and parents:
Encourage positive thoughts about the transition, such as learning new things, having new teachers, progressing to another grade level, meeting new friends, and seeing old friends
Start or restart an effective school year routine, including:
- Evening/bedtime routine - setting the alarm, picking out school clothes to wear the night before, and packing up items for the following day
- Morning routine - waking/getting up when the alarm goes off, eating breakfast, and leaving the house on time in order to ensure timeliness to school
- Afterschool routine – conversing with your child about the school day, checking your child's backpack for school communication/homework, scheduling consistent time for homework completion, making a comfortable spot for studying, allowing for play/social time or extracurricular activity involvement, and eating dinner
Set goals for the school year, such as putting forth best effort when learning is difficult, striving for all A's on the report card, handing in all homework, or attending school and being on time every day
Return the requested documents to the school, such as the emergency card, Student Code of Conduct notification, and permission forms
By following these suggestions, the stage will be set for learning to occur! Looking forward to a great school year!