The Horizon News Team ...
is made up of 12 crackerjack fifth-grade reporters. They come to the news room every morning at 7:40 to produce the Channel Four Morning News broadcast. The students' responsibilities include:
- writing scripts
- operating the cameras, switchboard, soundboard and computers
- performing as news anchors
- directing the broadcast
- interviewing guests
- photographing Terrific Kids of the Week
Once the students have learned every job they begin to add their own creative flair to the news broadcast. We are proud of these bright students. Their hard work keeps the Horizon Elementary students and staff well-informed and entertained.
Horizon Elementary's Safety Patrols
Horizon Elementary is so fortunate to have a very qualified and responsible group of student representatives patrolling our school campus.
The students that serve as safety patrols promote positive safety practices, as well as, monitor pupils in the morning and throughout dismissal.
Qualifications for patrols include: observance of the school code of conduct, maintaining a high grade point average, being responsible and dependable, punctuality, being courteous, and displaying exemplary behavior.
Those selected must have the recommendation of three teachers.
There are currently thirty-four fifth grade students with a Captain, Lieutenant, and several students voted in as Sergeant At Arms.
Students interested in becoming a patrol must submit an application toward the end of their fourth grade school year which should include parent approval and teacher recommendations. Those selected will begin training the last few weeks of school and patrol throughout their fifth grade year.
National Honor Society
NEHS is modeled on its companion organization, the National Honor Society (NHS), which is the nation’s oldest and best-known student recognition program. NEHS was founded in 2008 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, which is also the parent organization for NHS, in partnership with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Foundation. Visit for more information.
Our Horizon Elementary Chapter Pillars of the NEHS are aligned with other national chapters. Our pillars include:
Students are expected to maintain academic excellence. Students must maintain a 3.5 GPA (3 A’s, one B), and maintain satisfactory effort in all subjects. For our students with and IEP we consider core subjects and special area grades when calculating student GPA. Effort level of 1 must also be maintained in special area for students with an IEP. Students must meet all classroom expectations, maintain positive behavior in and out of school, and demonstrate potential leadership qualities. Students must maintain excellence in attendance and be at school each day on time. Students must demonstrate the potential to serve others and demonstrate service as defined below both in and out of school.
The responsible student is one who demonstrates many positive qualities, including (but not limited to):
· High standards of honesty and reliability
· A cooperative and supportive disposition
· Courtesy, concern, and respect of others
· Good citizenship
Thus, responsibility can be demonstrated in the student’s behavior at school, at home, and in the classroom and in the community.
This quality is defined as the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, without direct financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service. Chapters are called upon to engage their membership in meaningful service-learning activities and to promote the value of service among all of the students in the school.
Student leaders are often viewed as those students who are resourceful, good problem solvers, involved in and promoters of school activities, idea contributors, dependable, and who are both organized and organizers. Chapters are charged with providing experiences that not only build and enhance these traits within their members, but also enhance the leadership development of the entire student body.
This quartet of traits—scholarship, responsibility, service, and leadership—builds stronger individual students when recognized and demonstrated in members of the NEHS chapter. This is a core belief of the organization. We further believe that the public acknowledgment of chapter members and their positive interaction with their peers will lead to the greater achievement and motivation of the entire student body.
At Horizon, students in 4th grade will be introduced to the NEHS at the end of 4th grade. They will be informed that their 5th grade teacher may recommend them for membership in 5th grade based on the criteria listed above.