Emergency & Safety Guide
Parents and Guardians Have a Key Role in Emergency Response
During and following an emergency situation, school and district officials must act quickly and follow established emergency protocols to safeguard students and staff, secure schools, and communicate accurate information in a timely manner. Parents can assist greatly by helping with preparation before the emergency.
School Guardian
This year Horizon will be provided with a school guardian. This individual will provide additional security and surveillance to the school campus and parking areas. They will help supervise and manage students while on campus.
You must sign in as a visitor in the Main Office each time you are campus. You will need to provide photo identification each time. This is a security measure.
Single Point of Entry
The Parent Drop Off/Pick Up Loop is the single point of entry during the instructional day. All other gates will be locked at the morning tardy bell and re-opened just prior to the dismissal bell. This is done for security measures.
Emergency Contact Information
Call if you have any changes to contact phone numbers. The school must have a way to contact parents in case of an emergency situation.
Per School Board Policy, smoking is not permitted on any School Board property at any time. This includes in vehicles while on campus or in the parent pick up loop.
Internet Safety
Check out SafeFlorida.net, a Florida website dedicated to fighting CyberCrime and supporting CyberSafety.